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Please note that this service is only available to private individuals resident in the UK, Channel Islands and the Isle of Man who hold shares in a company for which Link Market Services provides share registration services, or a nominee program administered by Link Market Services Trustees Limited.

To login you will need to enter your surname, shareholder reference number, postcode (if resident in the UK), date of birth and select the company name that you hold shares in from the company drop down menu on the login page. This will be a company that Link Market Services acts as registrar for or whose nominee program is administered by Link Market Services Trustees Limited (a "Link Administered Company) and will enable us to identify you as a shareholder. Your shareholder reference, sometimes called your account number, or investor code is printed on your share certificates, share statements, dividend vouchers and proxy cards.

If you have a holding in more than one Link Administered Company your shareholder reference may be different for each company. If you wish to buy or sell shares in a company for which Link Market Services does not act as registrar (a "non-Link Administered Company) you will have the option to select one of these companies from the account summary page after login. Please note that dealing in non-Link Administered Company shares is only available to UK resident shareholders and may not be available for all Companies.

Terms and Conditions

Once you have logged in, please read our Terms and Conditions and check the box at the bottom of the page to accept them. Then press "Continue to go to your account details. Please note that you should retain a copy of the Terms and Conditions for your own reference and either print them or save a copy to the hard drive of your computer.

Once you are logged in under a Link Administered Company (selected from the company drop down list on the login page) you may sell shares in that company or proceed to sell your shares in a non-Link Administered Company. The list of non-Link Administered Companies you can sell your shares in is displayed in a drop down list on the account summary page after login. Once you select one of these companies you will be presented with a new account summary page. You can then proceed to buy or sell shares in this company. The facility to trade in non-Link Administered Company shares is only available to UK residents.

You need to enter either the number of shares you want to sell or the amount of money you wish to raise. If you are selling shares in a company for which Link Market Services acts as the Registrar, the size of your current holding will be shown for information. This information will not be available for companies where Link do not act as the Registrar.

Next, you must specify whether you want to use the 'Sell Now' option, or place a Limit order. If the market is closed you cannot use the Sell Now option. You can place Limit orders at any time, although they can only execute within market hours.

If you want to use the 'Sell Now' option (known as 'At Best'), the system then requests live quotes from a number of Retail Service Providers ('RSPs') for the price per share you will be paid if you sell. The best price returned will be highlighted on the screen. Quotes on the dealing screens are always in pence or euro (depending on the currency the stock trades in the market.  In certain cases, payment will be made in euro, even where the trade has executed in sterling.) so you should be careful if you're trading shares originally quoted in another currency. We may need to seek documentary evidence of your identity. You will be told if this is required. We will not be able to complete the transaction until the requested documents have been received and validated.

Once you have clicked on 'Get Quote' you will have:

  • The Sell Now price
  • The Deal Quantity - this is either the number of shares you entered at the last step, or a calculated figure based on the amount you wished to raise.
  • The Deal Value - this is the sell price multiplied by the number of shares you wish to sell, less charges. This will be the amount of your sale proceeds cheque.
  • The commission charge you will pay on the deal.

You will then have a limited time to place an order to deal. The quote will expire after 20 seconds. If you are not ready to deal, you can either allow the quote to expire, cancel the order or go back and make any necessary changes before obtaining another quote. If you wish to place the order you should click 'Accept Deal' before the time is up. This action is irreversible.

When you accept the deal you are offering to sell your shares at the stated price. The offer is accepted when you receive a message on the next screen confirming the details and that your order has been accepted. A contract note will be sent to you in the post the day after the trade has been executed. At the same time, if you have traded in a Link Administered Company, your account details page will be adjusted to reflect the transaction. If you want to view past transactions in a non-Link Administered Company you will need to login under the same Link Administered Company name as before and then select the relevant non-Link Administered Company in which you have dealt in, in order to see all past transactions.

Limit orders are typically used by investors who expect a price to move from present values, but do not have time to watch these movements closely. For instance, you may be interested in selling all or part of a current holding but you want to sell no lower than a particular value. 'Dealing At Limit' allows you to place orders that will only be executed if the price you set is reached.

The next step in placing a Limit order is to enter your limit price. You should enter the minimum amount per share (before the deduction of dealing charges) you are willing to accept in the 'Sell No Lower' field. The current live sell price for this share is shown to guide you when entering these values. The price you would receive if you were to sell your shares is the current sell price. The limit prices are always in pence or euro (depending on the currency the stock trades in the market.  In certain cases, payment will be made in euro, even where the trade has executed in sterling).

You also need to set an expiry date. This date can be on the next business day, 30 days or 90 days from placing the order.

Before finally completing the order click 'Estimate Deal Value'. The display will now show you an 'Estimated Deal Quantity'. This is based on the quantity you entered or is a figure calculated from the amount you specified. You'll also see when the order will expire, the 'Estimated Deal Value Currently' (i.e. the price you would receive for your shares based on the current sell price) or the 'Estimated Deal Value at Limit'. When the order executes, the final deal values may be different from these estimates.

We are required by the FCA regulation to publish your order to market participants. This is to increase market transparency. No personal details will be published and you have the right when you give your instructions to ask us not to publish details of the trade. If you do not want us to publish details of the trade then you will need to tick the box before placing your limit order.

If you are satisfied at this point you should click 'Place Limit order'.

You can cancel an open order at any time from the 'Open Orders' area of the 'Account Details' screen by signing back in using the same Link Administered Company details.

You need to enter either the quantity of shares you want to buy or an amount of money you would like to invest. If the market is closed, the Buy option will not be available. If you are buying shares in a company for which Link Market Services acts as the registrar, the size of your current holding will be shown for information. This information will not be available for companies where Link do not act as the registrar.

Next you need to enter your payment details. You can pay for shares using a MasterCard or Visa Delta debit card in the UK, which is registered in your name at your address. Cleared funds must be available and we rely on your bank to authorise the transaction. If authorisation is not given, we cannot complete the transaction. Please enter the details, including the 3-digit security code on the back of your card. The estimated amount you will pay is shown on the screen under 'Pay from debit card'. Please note that the cleared funds needed to complete this transaction, including rates and charges, must be available in your account at this point. We will not take any payment from your card unless you accept this quote.

If you proceed to purchase, click on 'Get Quote' and the system then requests live quotes from a number of RSPs for the price per share if you purchase. The best price returned will be highlighted on the screen (this deal type is known as 'At Best'). This price will often be an improved price. This means that the RSPs will often better the prices currently quoted on the exchange. Quotes on the dealing screens are always in pence or euro (depending on the currency the stock trades in the market.  In certain cases, payment will be made in euro, even where the trade has executed in sterling) so you should be careful if you are trading shares originally quoted in another currency.


This is the simplest type of deal. Once you have clicked on 'Get Quote' you will have:

  • the Buy price
  • the Deal Quantity - this is either the number of shares you entered at the last step, or a calculated figure based on the amount of money you wished to invest.
  • the Deal Value - this is the buy price multiplied by the number of shares you wish to purchase, plus charges. This will be the amount we debit your card.

You will then have a limited time to place an order to deal. This quote will expire after 15 seconds. If you are not ready to deal, you can either allow the quote to expire, cancel the order or go back and make any necessary changes before obtaining another quote. If you wish to place the order you should click 'Accept Deal' before the time is up. This action is irreversible.

When you accept the deal you are offering to purchase shares at the stated price. The offer is accepted when you receive a message on the next screen confirming the details and that your order has been accepted. A contract note will be sent to you in the post a day after the trade has been executed. At the same time, your account details will be adjusted to reflect the transaction.

This screen shows your account details including any open orders or recent transactions for Link Administered Stocks that you have made using the service. If you want to view past transactions for a non-Link Administered Stock you will need to login under the same Link Administered Stock as before. You will then be able to select the relevant stock which will show all past transactions.

Here you'll find a listing of your transactions for the type of share that you have specified. Details include:

  • Date of transactions
  • Time of transactions
  • Order Reference
  • Sell/Buy
  • Quantity
  • Security Name
  • Deal Type - whether the order was 'At Best' or 'At Limit'
  • Price - in pounds or in euro (depending on the currency the stock trades in the market.  In certain cases, payment will be made in euro, even where the trade has executed in sterling)
  • Cost / Proceeds - in pounds or euro (depending on the currency the stock trades in the market.  In certain cases, payment will be made in euro, even where the trade has executed in sterling). This is the amount of your sale proceeds cheque (after the deduction of dealing charges) or the amount you paid for a purchase (including dealing charges).
  • Status - for 'At Best' deals this will always be 'Executed', but for Limit orders other possibilities are 'Expired' or 'Deleted' (where you cancelled an open order or where we have cancelled an order in accordance with the terms and conditions of the service). Only orders which are not outstanding (whether executed or not) are shown here. Open Limit orders will be shown separately.

You will have the option to view past transactions in certain date ranges which can be selected from the drop down list. The drop down list allows you to view all transactions and open orders, or a selected date range, from the last 24 hours up to the last financial year.

Risk warning

Remember the price of shares can go down as well as up, and you are not guaranteed to get back the amount that you originally invested.

Risk Warning